Fighting to Struggle


The struggle is real….

     No seriously, it is.  Sometimes it’s hard just to lift your head off the pillow in the morning.  Take a shower.  Fix the kids breakfast.  Brush your teeth.  Or even do something as simple as open your eyes.  The strange thing about that little idiom is how quickly it picked up jet wings, and flew around the world.  It went from “Man today is kind of sucky” to “the STRUGGLE is REAL!”

Yet, I can’t be the only one that has noticed that no one is coming out of the struggle.  Am I?

The Struggle (because now it is a thing), is collecting more people than I can money in the game of monopoly, and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down.  I’m pretty sure we have all known that one person who has always been the embodiment of “the struggle.”  In one way…or another.  They just can’t seem to get it together, and at the end of the day, you are both left trying to figure out – just how…

Would it surprise you to know that the Struggle is a weapon of spiritual warfare? Something sent to keep us so off-balance that we never walk in the greatness or even begin to visualize the promise that God has for us (Crazy I know!).  It is though, really.

How many times have you heard someone say, “No weapon formed against me shall prosper?”…Halloo?!  Struggle = weapon.  Therefore it should not prosper, but it does, time and time again.

We often forget that we are not battling fleshly things.  The statement should be changed from The Struggle is Real to The Fight is Real.  Do you see how much that now changes the entire outlook and connotation?  In the Color Purple, Mrs. Sophia, played by Oprah, says that famous line:

No one – and I mean, NO ONE – should have to struggle that long.  A lifetime is a very long time.

Check it out:

The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. (2 Corinthians 10:4)


The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still. (Exodus 14:14)

Sometimes we still struggle because we, (a) are using the wrong weapons to fight back, and (b) forget that God WILL fight for us IF we just stay still (get out-of-the-way).

The main issue is, we like to give Him the struggle and stay in the ring.  Then we complain how bad the fight has gotten, when we continue to take body blows.  It doesn’t quite work that way (Trust me, I learned the hard way!  And it really hurt).  If we are “tagging” God in (and truthfully we never should have “tagged” Him out), we can’t stay in the ring.  It’s like wrestling.  They have to leave the ring when they tag their partner in.

I am not diminishing your struggles because they ARE real.  However, so is MY GOD!  He can and WILL meet your struggle where it is, no matter what it is.  He is just waiting for you to tap him in and get out of the ring.  There’s nothing wrong with taking a seat on the sidlines and letting Him fight the battle until you are equipped to stand a little longer.  Not fight (because the battle is not ours, it is the Lords), just stand.

So will you?
©Words With Faith2017

8 Comments Add yours

  1. Dianaia says:

    This post corresponds to my post as well. I love how the Holy Spirit works in all our hearts these days. The spiritual warfare is real, and the struggles that comes with it too. But our God is so much more real and powerful than any other weapons formed today.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Diana,
      You are so right. The Holy Spirit is a wonderful thing and this does correspond to your post. This is definitely something that God is trying to get across to us at this time. We don’t have to struggle. God is so much bigger than our problems. We just have to start telling our problems how big our God is! Be blessed 😊


  2. Beautiful word there

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you and thank you for taking the time to read Fighting to Struggle. I pray that it touched you in some way. Be blessed 😊


    2. The struggle is real in deed we need to give it all up to God through our fights in prayer

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes indeed. Definitely have to give it up to God. Because we cannot handle it on our own.


  3. hisdearlyloveddaughter says:

    I love that call us all out on our tenancy to get stuck in the struggle! You’re absolutely right that there’s no reason to make camp there. Praise the Lord for His faithfulness to us!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, please don’t stay there. It’s ok for a day, maybe a week. But past that it’s become an issue. Thank God for grace and mercy. I thank you for taking the time to read Fighting to Struggle. I pray that it touched you. Be blessed.
      ~Faith ❤️


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